




A lot of people are confused by some terms that seem to be used inter-changeably with the word 'moisturisers'. 

Here is a simple breakdown:

The 3 types of moisturisers:

1. Emollients - the space fillers 2. Humectants - draws moisture to the skin 3. Occlusives - heavy in nature, to seal moisture in.

The order of application is usally:  Humectants and Emollients followed by Occlusives.



Humectants helps attracting moisture to your skin to relieve dryness. A good humectant hydrates the epidermis but a lot of them do not stay there very long on their own. Sometimes humectants may draw moisture from your skin back into the air depending on climates & humidity levels.

Occlusives are heavier material that seals the moisture in. It is effective in very dry skin and many kiwis are familiar with the names like barrier creams, emulsifying ointments and zinc & castor ointments. Occlusives are usually greasier and less breathable for your skin. Some occlusive oils can clog pores.

Sometimes you might required multiple types of moisturiser depending on the condition of your skin.

Consult your health professional to identify the type of moisturiser you have and what is the best way to apply them.